The American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (COT) works to develop and implement programs that support injury prevention and optimal patient outcomes in trauma care across the US and Canada. Around the time of the pandemic, they realized they were making recommendations for trauma care that didn’t work for our rural communities, and that they did not understand the needs and challenges of rural trauma care. The Rural Advisory Council for the Committee on Trauma was developed to get expertise, opinions, guidance, and leadership from the boots on the ground in rural trauma care. Each committee member was selected based on background, interview, experience, and location. Multiple disciplines are represented on the council, from trauma surgeons, family medicine physicians and mid-level providers, trauma coordinators, trauma nurses, and paramedics. Some goals of the COT are to develop education, standard setting, data collection, trauma system development, and advocacy for rural trauma care. Congratulations to Rachel Baker, RN in being selected to serve on the National Trauma Advisory Council!